Üzeltünk címe: 1071 Budapest, Peterdy utca 18. Nyitva: hétfő, szerda, péntek 9.00-17.00; kedd, csütörtök: 11.00-19.00. Telefon: (06-1)214-5222

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CALENDULA - Calendula officinalis
CALENDULA - Calendula officinalis
4 370 Ft

CALENDULA - Calendula officinalis

Communication, listening
437 Ft/ml.
4 370 Ft

Receptivity, warmth
For those who listen superficially.

Helps to understand the real meaning behind the words.

For those who often use hurtful language, who easily insult others and who have a tendency to always argue.

This essence brings warmth and sensitivity to all communications.

Várható szállítási idő
7-10 nap
Article No.
Bonus point
15 Ft
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