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Honeysuckle Bailey flower essence 10ml.
Honeysuckle Bailey flower essence 10ml.
4 435 Ft

Honeysuckle Bailey flower essence 10ml.

Helps us to become more open to the world and those around us - 10ml
Lonicera periclymenum

Honeysuckle is a component of Sadness & Loneliness.
443 Ft/ml.
In stock :  2 db
4 435 Ft
The wild yellow Honeysuckle growing in our hedgerows possesses very strong healing properties. It has an exquisite scent which is strongest in the late evening. This essence is included in the Sadness composite to encourage us to make our fragrance known to others.
Sadness and loneliness isolate us from other people. We turn inwards and become increasingly closed to the positive aspects of the world around us. Honeysuckle encourages change at a subtle level, so we become more approachable to others.
The barriers to the outside world that we erect during periods of sadness and loneliness are natural, but unfortunately are often very counter-productive. All too often we fail to appreciate just how withdrawn we may appear to other people.
Honeysuckle helps ease the pain in the heart, enabling us to open up to the world around us. Through this opening up, loving help will often flow in our direction because we then appear far less defensive.
Honeysuckle has three properties in particular that make it a key part of the Sadness remedy. First, it brings ease and comfort to our heart, reinforcing the action of Dog Rose.
Second, it helps us to pull down over-protective barriers that we may have erected between ourselves and the world around us.
Finally, like the fragrant Honeysuckle, our own fragrance will be carried out into the world and those positive qualities will attract love and healing towards us.
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2 hónap
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Bonus point
20 Ft