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Self-Esteem Bailey flower essence 10ml.
Self-Esteem Bailey flower essence 10ml.
4 835 Ft

Self-Esteem Bailey flower essence 10ml.

For those who feel disempowered, often dominated by others, and are unable to assert themselves in the world. Blocked-off self-love - 10ml

Combination essence of Butterbur, Moss, Pine Cones, Witch Hazel.
443 Ft/ml.
In stock :  5 db
4 835 Ft
For those who feel disempowered, often dominated by others, and are unable to assert themselves in the world. Many people suffer from low self-esteem and it does not always show up as subservience. Over-aggressive behaviour shows a lack of self-esteem just as surely.

BUTTERBUR (Petasites hybridus)
Butterbur is for those who have had their self-esteem damaged from an early age. They may well feel inadequate because of adverse comments from parents and teachers early in their lives. They may have become convinced that in some way they are unworthy. Butterbur liberates and opens the way for the discovery of innate strengths and wisdom.

MOSS (Discranella heteromalla)
Moss is for those who fear the dark spaces within their being. They do not recognise their innate goodness, surrounded as it may be by a mass of negative conditioning. Moss helps us to see that it is only our fears that we are really frightened of.

PINE CONES (Pinus sylvestris)
Pine Cones is an essence for those who feel trapped by the authoritarian powers of others. They fail to recognise their own authority and seek the approval of others for all that they do.

WITCH HAZEL (Hamamelis mollis)
Witch Hazel is for those who are always trying to live up to the expectations of others. Because they feel that they must never fail to help others, they drive themselves relentlessly.

Made with vodka water mix.
Várható szállítási idő
2 hónap
Article No.
Bonus point
20 Ft