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Clearing and Releasing orchid combination essence
Clearing and Releasing orchid combination essence
4 990 Ft

Clearing and Releasing orchid combination essence

Contains: Angelic Canopy, Releasing Karmic Patterns, Pushing Back the Night.
333 Ft/ml.
In stock
4 990 Ft
There are times when we have to address deeply-held or especially challenging energies, and it is for these situations, either within a space or within an aura, that the Clearing & Releasing combination was created. It is also an extra-strength space-clearing spray, bringing a cleansing to office or home even when there are very dark energies confronting one. Brings a very reassuring, positive and strong light to the space. Use the drops form if there are energies within a person which need clearing out, for example if there has been any history of drug abuse.
Várható szállítási idő
2 hónap
Article No.
Bonus point
20 Ft
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