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Energy Matrix Protection orchid combination essence
Energy Matrix Protection orchid combination essence
4 990 Ft 
4 491 Ft

Energy Matrix Protection orchid combination essence

Contains: Light of My Eye; Core Release; Moon Child; Wisdom of Compassion and Narnia Sphagnum Moss.
333 Ft/ml.
In stock
4 990 Ft 
4 491 Ft
Begin: 01/09/2024   End: 30/09/2024
Discount 10
Saving 499 Ft
This combination has been created in response to the very worrying situation in Japan, brought about by the earthquake and tsunami of March 2011. We are not permitted of course to say what we believe this combination essence is able to help achieve, but our aim in researching this combination was to create a support and protection for the healthy energetic matrix of the body at the cellular level. This essence is also noteworthy for two reasons in particular: it is the first combination we have ever made which includes the Narnia Sphagnum Moss essence, with its energetic signature of vibrant, healthy cellular growth. It is also the first essence we have made for general release to our customers which includes a small dose of sea salt. We have long been adding 1% sea salt to our essences which are sent to Japan, as this is the only way the authorities there will permit flower essences to enter the country. Yet in our testing we have always found that this was not a negative, but rather that the inclusion of the sea salt was a mild enhancement of the action of each essence. As most of the bottles of this new combination in the first few months are likely to be sent to Japan, it made sense for us to muscle-test the impact of sea salt being added to it, compared with a non-salted version. And it was very clear that for the purposes of this essence, the addition of the sea salt is beneficial to its energetic action.
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20 Ft
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