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Sleep of Peace orchid combination essence
Sleep of Peace orchid combination essence
4 990 Ft

Sleep of Peace orchid combination essence

Contains: Clear Mind, Boundless Peace, Settling with a Smile, Purity of Heart, Behold the Silence, Pushing Back the Night, Sacral Release, Protective Presence
333 Ft/ml.
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4 990 Ft
Sleep of Peace helps to promote deeper and longer-lasting sleep, but in a different manner from our combination Gentle Sleep. The latter chiefly is helpful in bringing about a more relaxed state of mind and heart, to help ease one into a restful sleep. Sleep of Peace on the other hand is a combination which was originally arrived at by one of our therapist customers, who found these 8 orchid essences when combined helped her sleep pattern considerably. More research on this combination was then done by Dr. Brito-Babapulle and IFER, both to see how it could be made to optimum potency for most people, as well as to understand more fully how it is helping sleep. Sleep of Peace appears to help with our processing of memories, so that the mind is in the first instance able to process the data from the day more efficiently while one is asleep. After a few or several days of use it appears to bring about deeper processing and shifting of old memories which are 'gathering dust' and interfering with the efficient processing of the daily data. It is this jumble of old memories, traumas and fears which are often a significant part of the picture of disturbed sleep patterns. In general it is best to take Sleep of Peace for no more than 10 days at a time, as the new pattern of deeper sleep is able to carry on without the essence, though taking a drop at bedtime once every two weeks should be helpful. We are not claiming that this essence offers 'protection' against external disturbances of sleep (such as Tetra masts), but by enabling the psyche to process its information more efficiently, it appears that we become less susceptible to these external factors. Which of our two sleep essences is best for one will depend on the individual. The challenges to our sleep patterns these days (technological and psychological) are so prevalent, that it makes sense for us to offer these two options for people to choose from.
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