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Solus orchid combination essence
Solus orchid combination essence
4 990 Ft

Solus orchid combination essence

Contains: Moon Child, Night Soul, Voice of Courage and Violacea Veritas
333 Ft/ml.
In stock
4 990 Ft
This combination is aimed at transforming the single-child syndrome (which is especially common in China, due to former State policies), wherein the one child may develop as a rather self-centered and solitary individual. Due to the lack of sibling play, the psyche of the soul is unable to develop fully in the usual social context, leaving them lacking in the emotional ability to relate in a communal spirit. It is important that Solus is followed up after a few weeks with either Wisdom of Compassion or Love Beyond Love, to help the emotional and compassionate side of the child or adult to develop more fully.
Várható szállítási idő
2 hónap
Article No.
Bonus point
20 Ft
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