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True Beauty orchid combination essence
True Beauty orchid combination essence
4 990 Ft

True Beauty orchid combination essence

Contains: Rising to the Call of Beauty, Purity of Soul, Just Me, Clearing the Way, True Connections
333 Ft/ml.
In stock
4 990 Ft
This essence has Rising to the Call of Beauty and Purity of Soul at its core, two essences which are deeply connected to the idea and energy of Beauty. Just Me and Clearing the Way help that beauty to glow with confidence. But with the addition of True Connections, the combination reaches an entirely new level, to the realm of Celestial Beauty. It brings a humbling experience of the truth of the beauty in oneself, and the same truth of beauty in others. Many years ago Don saw a woman at a public concert who was in her 70's, who to this day was the most beautiful woman he has ever seen. She was radiant with an inner glow that took his breath away. In all these 30 years since he has never been able to state just what that beauty was like, until experiencing this essence. When meditating on the mother tincture, he suddenly recalled that woman and her extraordinary glow. This essence conveys an exquisite beauty we would associate more readily with angels and other celestial beings. And yet that woman all those years ago embodied this very energy. One person upon taking this essence, and each time after, kept hearing angelic music, and was bathed in a shower of white and gold stars. The night after this combination was created, Don was told in a dream that we are in fact learning to re-make these orchid essences, as they have already been made in heaven. True Beauty enables us to see the deep beauty of spirit and Being that is in each one of us, and to begin to embody that celestial grace.
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20 Ft
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