Üzeltünk címe: 1071 Budapest, Peterdy utca 18. Nyitva: hétfő, szerda, péntek 9.00-17.00; kedd, csütörtök: 11.00-19.00. Telefon: (06-1)214-5222

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Amethyst Findhorn Flower Essence 15ml.

The essence of amethyst focuses the seventh ray energies of order and organisation.
Manifest skill in action and bring order and organisation to all areas of living. Find the will to perfect expression through humility, wide-mindedness, perseverance and high intuition. Achieve through practicality and graceful, rhythmic activity. Discover the power to translate plans into physical reality through the magical work of interpretation and the synthesising ability.

spiritual awareness and inner peace
power to ward off unwanted external influences
mental power
psychic insight & intuition
390 Ft/ml.
Out of stock
5 850 Ft
Add 3 - 7 drops of energy drink directly onto the tongue.
Alternatively, add to a glass or bottle of water for sipping.
Use as and when you wish to invite this energy into your day.

Water and Organic Cognac (ABV = 12%)
This essence is believed to contain the energetic vibration of this gemstone.

NB: A Flower Essence is a Fermented Beverage and UK Drink Product.
Made in Scotland, UK by Nature Spirits Limited: 203950
Address: 248 The Park, Findhorn, Forres, Moray IV36 3TB

Commodity Code:
UK 2206.00.5900
HS 2206.00.7000

Please store in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight.
This product has a shelf life of five years.

This is a liquid refreshment for oral consumption.
This is not to be used externally on the body or skin.
Várható szállítási idő
2-3 weeks
Article No.
Bonus point
20 Ft