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Defender from the Dark Aura Spray
Defender from the Dark Aura Spray
6 590 Ft

Defender from the Dark Aura Spray

Clearing & Protecting Aura Spray

Pleurothallis phalangifera

132 Ft/ml.
In stock
6 590 Ft

In response to a perceived global energetic challenge, this orchid called out to be made into an essence in early October 2010. The second part of the botanical name Pleurothallis phalangifera translates as "phalanx-bearing" meaning the orchid spike looks like it is carrying a small phalanx of soldiers. A dream-time image which came to Don repeatedly one night about this essence was of hundreds of elves with their bows on their shoulders, marshalling their forces, preparing for battle. And indeed the orchid looks reminiscent of that Tolkien-like image. There is a sense with this orchid that, while it knows the dark, it is not of the dark. Embodying deep goodness of being, it is nevertheless not naive about the threat posed at times by dark forces. There is an old adage in American football, that the "best defense is a good offense"; this essence provides both clearing of and protection from high levels of dark energies through its determined opposition to their intentions.

Várható szállítási idő
2-3 weeks
Article No.
Bonus point
20 Ft